Benjamin Dudley built this house (still standing on the northwest corner of Giddings and Main streets) in about 1917 as a wedding gift for his new wife Helen. c 1920

This view, looking eastbound on Main from about West St, shows how dominate the Fox Theater is in the downtown landscape. c 1932

This view, looking eastbound on Main from Locust Street, shows a bustling business district in about 1940, including vehicle traffic travelling in both directions – now it is one way only.

A. E. Brooks, owner of the Brooks mortuary, built this hearse in about 1914 – the Tulare County Courthouse is in the background at Center and Court streets. c 1920

Numerous teams hauling freight wagons are traveling just east of what is now Giddings on Main St coming into Visalia. c 1916

In 1919 the Visalia Electric Railroad took employees of the S. Sweet Co. on a picnic to Terminus Beach.

The Visalia Steam Laundry was built in 1899 at Encina and Center streets. It stood until 1936 when it burned to the ground. c 1920

All along Main Street people gathered waiting for the much anticipated circus parade. c 1903

This view is looking east on Main Street. The first cupola on the left is at Court Street. Farther east the second cupola is the Bank of Visalia at Church Street. c 1910

Probably the oldest known photo of Visalia, this 1863 image is looking eastbound on Main from Court St.

Built in 1912 facing Locust at Center Street, the First Presbyterian Church stood until 1956. It was replaced by the current Presbyterian Church on the same site. c 1940